Religious Education Vision
Here at Ewanrigg Junior School we want our Religious Education learners to be inquisitive, respectful and compassionate.
We aim to allow children to have a freedom of speech and expression whilst being aware of the beliefs and cultures of others. We want our learners to be thoughtful, being able to take part in fair discussions, listening to the opinions and beliefs of others.
Throughout our children’s time at EJS they will grow into an atmosphere where all relationships are built on mutual respect and the belief that all children matter. They will be taught to value the beliefs held by others whether these are religious or atheist views. These relationships are seen to be the foundation on which our values such as sensitivity, understanding, tolerance and co-operation will be built on.
What RE looks like at EJS
When is RE taught?
RE is taught using the Discovery RE spine, working on a two year cycle. (Y3 and Y5 coverage followed by Y4 and Y6 coverage). It aims to be taught weekly in register classes of mixed age and ability. It is also covered in whole school assembly time using a whole school theme.
How is RE taught?
RE is taught through a combination of subject knowledge and skills. At EJS, children relate their own experiences and beliefs to the current theme.