Geography Vision
We want our Ewanrigg Junior School Geographers to be immersed and excited by the study of our world, from maps to mountains. We want our Geographers to be cartographers and orienteers, we want children to be able to read a map, use a scale and create and read keys. We want our children to experience real life geography, study the local area and understand how land is used. We want our children to have a sense of identity and pride in their local community. We want our geographers to be aware of the impact humans are having on the environment.
We want our Ewanrigg Geographers to enquire and ask probing questions about why our world is the way it is, to look at human geography and our impact on this planet. To understand climate change and what we can do, to be responsible stewards of our planet. Through forest schools we want our children to be more in tune with the natural world. We want our children to understand physical geography, the names of the seas, where mountains and forests occur as well as extreme environments and events.
We want our Ewanrigg Geographers to have a keens sense of identity, understand their place in their locality, county, nation and the world. To see how decisions are made, who is in charge how they can influence their lives.
We want our Ewanrigg Geographers to be expert map readers, to gain an understanding of mapping from a global to a local perspective. To begin by looking at continents, seas and nations and end in being able to read OS maps and create their own keys and systems of mapping. Setting them in good stead for being able to understand how we model the world.