Modern Foreign Languages Vision
We want our modern foreign language speakers to be creative, critical and thoughtful. At Ewanrigg Junior School we believe that learning a different language opens a world of new possibilities and opportunities. We chose to study French as our local secondary school (which approximately 90% of our children attend) teach French as their main modern foreign language.
We want our learners to be good communicators, to build their communication and literacy skills and preparing them for a globalised world of work. We want our learners to be cultural, knowing the importance of having interest in other cultures and countries in order to become successful global citizens of the world. We aim for the children to recognise the value of being able to speak another language. To begin to speak, read and write in another language.
We want our modern foreign language speakers to enjoy their learning, finding it fun and engaging. As through languages we promote students’ curiosity, problem solving skills and we deepen their understanding of not only their own identity and culture but also of other countries.
What MFL looks like at EJS
When is MFL taught?
Modern Foreign Languages is taught through thematic units in a 2 year cycle using the Language Angels programme as a spine. (Y3 and Y5 coverage followed by Y4 and Y6 coverage).
How is MFL taught?
Modern Foreign Languages is taught through a combination of subject knowledge and skills. It aims to be taught weekly in mixed age and ability register classes. Children are able to hear correct pronunciation through the Language Angels resources and can embed their learning independently using their own log in to access extra resources and games on the Language Angels website.